Human Design with Mary Ann
As of December 1, 2024, I will no longer be available to work with individuals. It is not that I am stopping my Human Design work - it will simply move in a new direction with me being in my own flow
and when the energy shows up - creativity happens. There is much still inside of me to share but that will be through books and videos and in the flow of this energy. I am excited about the next phase of my life.
I had been searching since I turned 25 - that is over 50 years ago. It was through living my Human Design experiment that I found what I had been searching for. Me. For the past 25 years, I have taught Human Design, trained LYD Guides but mostly have offered live Immersions and workshops, online workshops and private sessions to help people live their design. I have stayed with the simple because it is what transformed me.
I plan to create a new website for when I am not available. But I did feel to change my homepage now. On the other pages of this website, you will find information about some of what I have offered in the past and is now available in the webstore.
Click on the line icon in the upper left hand corner to view these pages or click on the links below.
G/MG Experiential Workshop - begins September 19
Videos for Your Experiment
Projector Self-ExplorationFour Self Awareness Exploration Exercises
Online Zoom Gathering - last one to be announced
Sacral Sessions
2027 - Global Consciousness Program
Below is a compilation of all that is in my webstore. I am excited to add more over the next months and years! I hope that these help you to live you.
It feels fitting that my last workshop will be for Generators and Manifesting Generators. It is a 5-week experiential discovery process and I am excited about it. I began my Human Design work when Ra asked me to give a workshop for G/MG's at his Ibiza Event in the early 2000's. For more info.
I'm offered something similar for Projectors that is now available as a self-discovery. For more info.
Some of the additional tools I want to create are videos for Manifestors and Reflectors as well as Projectors and Generators and Manifesting Generators.
I am excited about this and the other creative projects I have responded to.
I feel grateful that I had the chance to meet and be with so many beautiful people over all these years both live and online.
Below is a poem that poured out of me after deeply being in my experiment for 3 months. A friend took those words and created a song. During Covid, I found images that touched me and a video was created. I hope you enjoy.
With loveMary Ann
I am very excited about this live workshop and definitely surprised that I responded. Pavaka and her team have created a landing page with all the information you will need including how to register.
For more information, please visit this landing page
400 euros - discount for cash at the door495 US$ pre-pay with credit card
For more information, please visit this landing page
400 euros - discount for cash at the door495 US$ pre-pay with credit card
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New Audio Recording
I received this email from a participant in the Projector workshop and I responded to the request.
"I was wondering whether you would consider offering the recording you made on Awareness (for the Projector series) in your store. As someone who had previously been "seeking" like crazy during my 30s and 40s through various spiritual/meditation practices and Satsang/retreats with "enlightened" beings, the audio really helped settle something quite deep inside me when I heard you share. I think it could be really good for others to hear. " Approx. 30 minutes $12 to order